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( Flash Game Software Download )

Awaken Memory Cards is a useful tool that the whole family can use and
enjoy. Children and adults alike can use them because it is simple enough for a young child to understand and challenging enough to hold the attention of adults.
Awaken Memory Cards is a very valuable tool to expand the mind, creating new neuro-connections within the brain. New Earth research and development has done extensive testing using “Awaken Memory Picture Cards Game” and “The Creative Story Memorization Technique” and has proven to enhance short term memory, long term memory, activates memory skills in the area of identifying random pictures, numbers, letters, colors, symbols and shapes with descriptive short stories; with 100% accuracy first attempt; With little or no stress in memorizing and recalling as many as 100 cards; with only few hours of practice.
Creative Story Memorization Technique using Awaken Memory Picture cards has also proven to enhance brain function, increased mental focus, creativity, enhanced ability to solve simple and complex problems, solve mathematical problems faster and easier, broaden vocabulary skills, creative writing and enhances the ability to enter altered states of consciousness.




This is the first screen that you will see when you are getting ready to play Awaken Memory Picture Card Game. After reading this page and understanding it you will click the x in the top right hand corner of this page to go to the game.

Next you will click the start button and this is the screen that you will see. You will want to click the shuffle button also this will make sure that the cards are shuffled well.



You will then choose the amount of cards that you will attempt to memorize; any number is fine. First click the flip button to flip all of the cards over to the back side. If you are just starting you should choose 8-16 cards and work your way up to more and more until you can do all 56 cards. After all cards are flipped to their back you will use your left mouse click to turn over the number of cards that you wish to attempt one card at a time.Here is two examples of what the screen will look like after you do this . One example is 16 cards and the other is 32 cards . After you have your screen set up with the number of cards that you want to memorize. You will use the story line technique that you learned  from the first screen of the game which was the story line set up examples . Now you can begin building a creative story to help you remember story line 1. After you memorize story line 1 you will go to story line 2 and so forth and so on until you have remembered all story lines. Then when you feel confident that you have all of the stories memorized you will flip all of the cards that you have chosen to their back using the left click of your mouse one at a time. Then one card at a time you will by name reveal each of them for story line 1 then 2 - 3 until you have revealed all of the cards that you have memorized. If you want you can use the timer to see how fast you can remember the cards that you  choose. 



After you continue to play this game using more and more cards you will see that you get faster and it gets easier. Also as you continue playing this game you will start noticing that you can think clearer and your memory will improve and many more interesting things that you will start noticing. This game is truly an amazing tool for the development of the mind. We hope you enjoy it.

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